According to the words of Wilbert Alix, 
director of Trance Dance International,  
www.TranceDance.com :
"Trance Dance is a unique blend of body movement, healing sounds, dynamic percussive rhythms, transformational breathing techniques and the innovative use of a blindfold or bandana – together stimulating a ‘trance’ state that promotes spiritual awakenings, mental clarity, physical stamina and emotional well-being.
Driven by unique musical soundtracks recorded specifically for this method of healing, Trance Dance takes participants on an ‘inner journey’ not limited to our normal perceptions of space/time. Ritual trance journeys have been a vital part of shamanic and eastern dance cultures for thousands of years. Our contemporary approach to Trance Dance brings together the richness of these ancient rituals with some startlingly effective modern techniques. Trance Dance’s primary focus is on healing and spiritual evolution. By dancing within the seclusion of darkness participants discover parallel realities where solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems are possible. Through Trance Dance we disappear, becoming more like spirit, and simultaneously less attached to life’s ordinary difficulties, making it possible at these moments to let these problems go."

Ritual Trance Dance in Pula, Istria, Croatia, Balcans, Europe etc. is held and facilitated by Helena Gaia Petrović 

Po riječima Wilberta Alixa https://trancedance.com/about/wilbert-alix/more/
direktora Trance Dance International, www.TranceDance.com :
"Trance Dance je jedinstvena mješavina tjelesnih pokreta, ljekovitih zvukova, dinamičnih ritmova, transformacijskih tehnika disanja i inovativnog korištenja poveza preko očiju – koji zajedno potiču stanje transa i promiču duhovno buđenje, mentalnu jasnoću, fizičku izdržljivost i emocionalno dobrostanje.

Potaknut jedinstvenim glazbenim temama koje su snimljene posebno za ovu metodu iscjeljivanja, TranceDance vodi sudionike na "unutarnje putovanje" koje nije ograničeno našim uobičajenim shvaćanjima prostora / vremena. Ritualna putovanja u transu su vitalni dio šamanskih i istočnih plesnih kultura već tisućama godina. Naš suvremeni pristup Trance Dance ritualu integrira bogatstvo tih drevnih rituala s nekim iznenađujuće djelotvornim suvremenim metodama.

Primarni fokus u TranceDance metodi je ozdravljenje i duhovna evolucija. Plešući u osami i tami sudionici otkrivaju paralelne realnosti u kojima se nalaze moguća rješenja za naizgled nerješive probleme. Kroz Trance Dance nestajemo u Duhu i istovremeno postajemo manje vezani za uobičajene životne poteškoće, koje u tim trenucima puštamo da odu."

Trance Dance u Puli, Istri, Hrvatskoj i šire vodi Helena Gaia Petrović 

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