TranceDance is a shamanic dance with bandana over the eyes and leads us to the trance state. Dance is free and spontaneous, without any predetermined steps. Trance is a state of affiliation with ourselves and the nature surrounding us, during which is possible to find answers to seemingly unsolvable questions, to gain more clarity, personal power and joy in life.

Through the TRANCEDANCE 5 ELEMENTS, through movement and sound, we experience the quality of each element and through this experience we achieve the knowledge of our own harmony and balance.

TRANCEDANCE 5 ELEMENTS brings us deep insights and healing at all levels. The elements are related to the chakra and this topic will be elaborated on the workshop, with theoretical insights and direct experience.

Everybody can dance, no matter what the previous experience was.
EARTH - Corresponding chakra is Mooladhara, the first root chakra necessary for survival and rebound in height - Erection, structure, stability and a clear step. At the time of stormy winds, a strong and deep root is a condition of survival and we will awaken the deep roots from which we are dancing to grow! INTENTION- clear, concrete, existential, essencial! On the planet level, the rhythms and instruments of the earthly traditions from all continents. Dancing for ourselves is dancing for them ... dancing for everyone! Let's dance from the bones creating a new blood and structure for a new future! Through tribal rhythms enjoy the start of an exciting individual journey!

WATER - related to the Svadhistana, the second chakra - passion, creativity, libido ... Let's get out of the seed, get out of the roots and meet with the others. What will this meeting be like? What do we want it to be? Who is this other guy or girl or animal or tree? By dancinge, we release our fears, break up the blockages and allow the thrill of creativity to flow through us by achieving the deepest desires ... Strong and ecstatic dance that liberates the spaces inside and around our being from the pain of suffering, introducing us into a great celebration of life!

FIRE - Chakra Manipura, the third center of our body controls solar plexus, ego, ability to realize ideas, self-consciousness and its lack. The element is one that brings aggression on one side and insecurity on the other, and that is why we are dancing for the balanced fire of our being ... The FIRE that does not destroy brings prosperity, a life fire that nourishes, warms and supports growth.

AIR - element of information as a path to transformation. Corresponds to Anahata or an open heart chakra in which eros transforms into agape, unconditional love. The heart, the seat of soul and air, an element that conveys subtle spiritual messages. Do we hear them? Do we have the courage to believe them and follow them? Serenity and responsibility are the qualities of the warrior, and compassion and righteousness are the beauty of saints. Among them, at the heart level, there is no difference. The ritual TranceDance 5 elements can help us more clearly hear the whisper of ourr soul and give us the courage to ignore the ego and follow our soul with confidence.

ETER or Akasha from which the worlds emerge and return. Vishuda is the onlychakra through which the sounds of all the other chakras are manifested. Voice and movement are becoming equally represented. The contours of our own movement that we have already sketched, are revealed and expressed while singing and dancing the follow our VOICE ... cry or whisper, melody or distortion, every voice is welcome and important just as it is. Diving through the ETER we embark on the process of integration and the fidelity of all elements, namely the Agya Chakra, in order to end our dance journey as well as our life in Sahasrara and TRANSCENDENTAL EXTASy.

Helena Gaia Petrović
052-213-612: 095 890 1371,



TranceDance je šamanski ples koji se pleše s povezom preko očiju i vodi nas u stanje transa. Ples je slobodan i spontan, bez predodređenih koraka. Trans je stanje povezanosti sa samim sobom i prirodom koja nas okružuje u kojem je moguće pronaći odgovore na naizgled nerješiva pitanja, ostvariti više jasnoće, osobne moći i radosti u životu.
Kroz TRANCEDANCE 5 ELEMENATA, kroz pokret i zvuk, iskustveno spoznajemo kvalitetu svakog elementa i kroz tu spoznaju učimo kako postići vlastitu harmoniju i balans. 
TRANCEDANCE 5 ELEMENATA nas dovodi do dubokih uvida i iscjeljenja na svim nivoima. Elementi su povezani sa čakrama i tu temu ćemo razraditi na radionici, uz teoretske natuknice i direktno iskustvo.
Plesati mogu svi, bez obzira na iskustvo. 

ZEMLJA  Korespondirajuća čakra je Mooladhara, prva korijenska čakra nužna za opstanak i odskočna daska u visine - Uzemljenje, struktura, stabilnost i jasan korak. U vrijeme olujnih vjetrova, snažan i dubok korijen je uvjet opstanka i mi ćemo osvijestiti duboko korijenje iz kojeg ćemo plešući rasti! NAMJERA - jasna, konkretna, egzistencijalno bitna! Na nivou planete to su ritmovi i instrumenti zemaljskih tradicija sa svih kontinenata. Plešući za sebe, plešemo za njih...plešemo za svih! Plešemo iz kostiju, cijelim svojim bićem, sami stvarajući novu hranjivu krv i strukturu za novu budućnost! To je početak uzbudljivog, zajedničkog putovanja!

VODA-povezana sa Svadhistanom, drugom čakrom - strast, kreativnost, libido ...Ničemo iz sjemena, izrastamo iz korijena i susrećemo se s onim drugim. Kakav će to susret biti? Kakav želimo da bude?Tko je taj drugi? Plešući se oslobađamo naših strahova,rastvaramo blokade i dozvoljavamo bujici kreativnosti da poteče kroz nas ostvarujući najdublje čežnje...Strasan i ekstatičan ples koji  oslobađa  prostore unutar i oko našeg bića od nametnute patnje, uvodeći nas u veliku proslavu života!

VATRA - Chakra Manipura, treća po redu -vatreni centar našeg tijela kontrolira solarni pleksus, ego, sposobnost realizacije ideja, samosvijest i njen nedostatak. Element je to koji u svojoj neravnoteži donosi agresivnost s jedne, odnosno nesigurnost s druge strane i zato plešemo za uravnoteženu vatru našeg bića...VATRU koja ne razara već donosi prosperitet, vatru koja hrani, grije i podržava rast.

ZRAK - element informacije kao put do transformacije. Korespondira s Anahatom odnosno otvorenom srčanom čakrom u kojoj se eros transformira u agape, bezuvjetnu ljubav. Srce, sjedište duše i zrak, element koji prenosi suptilne poruke duha. Čujemo li ih? Imamo li hrabrosti vjerovati im i slijediti ih? Srčanost i odgovornost su kvalitete ratnika, a suosjećanje i smjernost krase svece. Među njima, na nivou srca, ni nema razlike. Ritualni TranceDance 5 elemenata može pomoći će da jasnije čujemo šapat svoje duše i dati nam hrabrost da zanemarimo ego i slijedimo je s povjerenjem.

ETER ili Akasha, prostor onstran poznatog odakle svjetovi izranjaju i kamo se vraćaju. Vishuda ili grlena čakra kroz koju se manifestiraju zvukovi svih ostalih čakri. Glas i pokret postaju podjednako zastupljeni. Osebujne konture vlastitog pokreta koje smo već iscrtali , otkrivaju se i izražavaju dok pjevajući i plešući slijede naš  JEDINSTVENI GLAS...krik ili šapat,melodija ili distorzija, svaki glas je dobrodošao i bitan upravo takav kakav jeste. Plešući kroz ETER ulazimo u proces integracije i SVJESNOST svih elemenata, odnosno Ajna čakru, s ciljem da naše plesno putovanje, kao i u životu, završimo u Sahasrari i TRANSCENDENTALNOJ EKSTAZI.


Helena Gaia Petrović
052-213-612: 095 890 1371,

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