Veles ArtCraft is the base of Balcan-Slavic Heritage Lab with Veles as an ancient Slavic God/ess and powerful preslavic spirit of nature in the Balkans. Veles is a protector of forest, wild animals, cattle (blago) or treasures (blago), poetry, music and joy, magic and folk medicine, health and craftiness is generous and gives abundance and fertility, ... 

Besides the bear and the bull, wild and domestic earthly animals, Veles representative is the huge serpent / dragon which lives in the roots of the tree, in the caves, in the dark and humid places, in the womb of the earth as its inseparable part. This manifestation of the creative/ destructive power of the planet through history was transformed into a wicked, male figure from patriarchal myths, always defeated by Perun in the eternal illusory battle between darkness and light. 

As the ruler of the underworld and the greatest underground snake, he/she takes care of all the other snakes, or souls of the dead. The snake, deeply associated with the strength of the earth, at the same time a symbol of fertility and a phallic symbol, is the bipolar being. Veles in the sky often fights in the form of a winged dragon and in the Balkans, dragons were considered to be benevolent creatures, protectors of the community, sometimes directly, but mostly through the Dragon People. 

The root of the words ZMaj (dragon), ZMija (serpent), ZEMlja (earth), ZIMa (winter), ŽENa (woman) is identical and pointing the female principle which belongs to the ancient misterial times when laws of the life on the planet were supporting the life as a whole. This page is dedicated to the awakening of Veles force, a great protector of Balkan craft and knowledge, whose time has finally come to emerge again in the harmony with Earth, Sun, Moon and the Stars. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

Drevni staroslavenski bog i moćni predslavenski duh prirode na Balkanu. Osim medvjeda i bika, zmaj-zmija je Velesov predstavnik/ca. Veles je zaštitnik divljači, stoke odnosno blaga, poezije, glazbe i veselja, magije i narodne medicine, zdravlja i lukavstva. On je velikodušan i daje blago i plodnost,... 

Veles odnosno veliki/a zmija/zmaj obitava u podnožju stabla, u pećinama, na mračnim i vlažnim mjestima, u utrobi zemlje, u suživotu sa meternicom planete, odnosno njen neodvojivi dio. Manifestacija životodajne/razorne snage planete transformirana u opaku mušku figuru iz patrijarhalnih mitova, koju Perun uvijek iznova prividno pobjeđuje u vječitoj borbi svjetla i tame. 

Kao vladalac podzemlja i najveća zmija podzemnog svijeta brine o svim ostalim zmijama, odnosno dušama umrlih, a u borbe često ulazi u obliku zmaja. Zmija je duboko povezana sa snagom zemlje, a bivajući istovremeno i simbol plodnosti i falusni simbol, bipolarno je biće. Veles je i veliki zmaj, a na Balkanu zmajevi su smatrani dobrim bićima koji štite zajednicu, ponekad direktno, no najčešće preko zmajevitih ljudi. Korijen riječi ZMaj, ZMija, ZEMlja, ZIMa, ŽENa je identičan i ukazujući na ženski princip, podsjeća nas na neka pradavna maglovita vremena kada je život na planeti bio ustrojen potpuno drugačije. Veles se opet budi u sjećanjima Zemlje i ljudi i ova stranica posvećena je povratku Velesove snage, zaštitnice vještina i znanja sa Balkana, u harmoniji s Univerzumom.

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